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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

"Wait and Hope..."

I got on my Facebook Sunday morning and wasn't finding much of interest there-- you know, the typical rant of, 'Look at me,' and, 'My life is so hard'--, but then I stumbled upon something that really caught my attention; I guess it just kind of resounded within me. It was just three words, posted as a comment on someone's status update, but I couldn't get it out of my head all day long, and I've been thinking about those words ever since:

"Wait and hope."

I don't know if it's just the stage of life that I'm at-- the fact that I don't know where or with whom I'll be ten years from now or, for that matter, tomorrow--, but those simple words are such an inspiration and a comfort to me. I wonder for whom Dumas wrote them originally-- whether his wisdom was discovered in desperate anticipation of his difficulties' end or whether it was written for another. I think, sometimes, though, that things like that and things in the scriptures were put there just for me. It's kind of an absurd thought, I know, but it still makes me feel like those ideas are my own, a part of me.

Wait and hope. That's all we can really do sometimes. I feel like that's what life is about a lot of the time, and it's been an especial focus of my life this last while. I'm waiting to see where college will take me and what opportunities will open up as I get further along in my programs. I'm waiting to fall for someone-- to find someone with whom I wouldn't mind spending eternity. I'm waiting and hoping as I try to become a better person, as I work to overcome my weaknesses. But I'm okay waiting. And I'm okay hoping. Because in the end, everything's going to be alright, and things are going to work out as they are supposed to. God's promised us a whole lot, and sometimes we've just got to have the faith to endure, trusting that, in the end, all His words will be fulfilled in full.


  1. I'm so glad you started a personal blog! It'll be fun to peek into your thoughts now and then. :)

  2. this quote really helped me through the college years:

    For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. -Jeremiah 29:11
