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Monday, September 24, 2012

Red Berries

This is a short short that I wrote recently. I'd love to hear your comments, impressions, suggestions!

Red Berries
We’re reading stories, and Philip is growling under the table like a tiger, and Lily is giggling, and I am sitting in my green, dinosaur chair, and Teacher’s face is all red and scrunched up like a balloon with a hole in it, and it’s because Philip won’t sit down and Jacob is talking and Teacher has been baking, because I can smell the cookies. Soon, we’ll go outside and take off our light-up shoes and wiggle our toes in the soft grass, and you can still smell it, because Mr. Teacher cut it while we were doing sharing time, you could hear it. Lily’s hands will be dandelion yellow and sticky from dandelion milk, and Teacher will go out front and then come back and smell like smoke. I will feel the sharp sand on my hands, and Philip will eat it even though we can smell cookies, but it’s because he’s poor and doesn’t have a mommy, that’s what my mommy says. Teacher’s face will still be red because of Philip and because she smells like smoke, and Jacob and me will find swords under the bushes or pull them off of trees, and then I’ll be a knight and Jacob will be a pirate, and I’ll kill him or he’ll kill me and then Teacher will call and we’ll be friends again. And then Philip’s hands will be red, and his lips will be red, and his tongue will be red, and Teacher will scream and Mr. Teacher will have to stay home from work to cut down the berry bush, and Philip had to go to another school.

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