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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Writing Journal Transcription (Seek)

Seek Brainstorming

Raid, trial, work camp, flight, rescue/encounter, village, accusations, advocacy, intervention, hunting (villagers cool off), raiders return, race back to village, fight off raiders, face off/encounter with leader (scar-faced?), Kara saves (shoots arrow at Gecko?), shouts (others coming), Sal. Leg. liet. grabs reins, turns couatl around, looks back, lock eyes, rides off into night, swallowed by the darkness of the jungle (Heart of Darkness)

Smoke everywhere--old woman stumbling backwards, tripping over things, eyes full of terror--eyes lock, she runs away, and that's what makes Jonah realize that these are not his enemies. "These are regular people. These are children and old women." Crying from someone

Village packing up. Some to Shibboleth, some to Khaios, where their sons have lived for years.

In your language they would be called moon blossoms
Jonah grew up in poor district, heard some villagers speaking in marketplaces, knows some words in Old Tongue. Will have a teacher (little brother?)

Jonah silhouetted against the burning factory, etc. and as he stumbles out people in the streets cheer him on for blowing it up, even though he chose not to / tried to stop it.

Great free city in the mountains to the north.

Kara doesn't know for sure if Jonah is guilty or not. Realizes it's him after saving him. Mad.

Jungle alive, breathes. Personify

Doctors bribed

Guy raises hands slowly and air stirs (wind chaser/aeris user)

No one could really understand a mother's pain at seeing her son carried away (or of the pain/emptiness /loneliness that follows when a son leaves). She had always prepared/known that her son would leave, but she thought it would be in a different way (university, etc.). Already lost her son once; now losing him again.

Rich families? Zucker? Bramov(ich)?

Rich girl's dream - "I wish I could just go to the subway." (see regular life). "Living in a golden cage."

Limited space in cities -- self-imposed limitation.

Little beggar girl asking for money. "I'm sorry, I don't have any money."
"You don't have any money?" Digs in pocket, pulls out a square of brass with a hold in the middle, lays it in the center of his palm, and runs away laughing."

Meek shall inherit the earth.

"There was a political figure in one of the Big 8 whne I was a child-- I don't remember which, because I lived in the jungle with my parents, who were researchers. We heard on the radio that this political figure ran fro office against the party system... the sinners and republicans, I think that's what my mother called them.
Goes against parties, runs for thought and reason. Runs for right, for justice, for truth, for whatever goodness is left.
People boo him, news stations ignore him; eventually shot at a rally, and mom and dad said it was one of the parties, but there was a rushed examination, and then all the news stations unilaterally announced that it had been an anonymous terrorist act carried out by a member of the Resistance/Sigon

Onim are like batteries? Certain amt. of energy within them, and as they grow weaker, they fade in color then shatter and explode.
Ancient woman runs amulet over someone to heal. "There was a day when all understood the power of the Onim."

Technis spheres are the standard. Other spheres have to be infused/injected with a certain type of element? Glowing, white hot, quench in water, opens pores.
Can be implanted into back of neck to "bind" the stone to a person, make it so it never degenerates because it draws on the energy of the host as a source. Unfortunately, that makes it almost impossible to use other spheres b/c of the interference/energy being sapped by the first. There are some doors, passcodes operated only by people with technis binding.

Aquis - water, pyrris - cool in ash/hot embers, terris - dessicate in hot sand / cool in soil, bios - quench in blood?, aeris - quench in snow?

Can do shards in water/ash, but spheres have to have snow/lava to make them work--otherwise they fracture and explode.

Stones extracted in raw form--ground down into spheres for even distribution, predictability. Cross carved as exit point for energy.

Parents left, never went back

The world is colored with the paints that we provide it, and we can choose to give it blacks or grays is we so desire. It won't help, though.

Candles on water at death

Inside walls dirty from industry, inner district bone white

Drinks from the bowl being passed around, and the colors start to clump up and then drip down my vision like the first heavy drops of rain on fine sand. Then introduce dream with two trees.

Magic mixed with technology
Certain arts preserved in folk tradition, but most lost/corrupted
Fire and technis have survived because of industry

Foudners are specialists in warding, constructed the walls long ago.
Healer woman gives Kara an "earth stone" (bios shard) to pass to Jonah. "This isn't her tooth, is it?" Kara turned to him with an impish grin. "Best not ask."

Lieutenants are trained experts in detection. they have sentry shards implanted and use technis pistols with shards within.
"I need a technis shard, but I'd rather not kill anyone to get one, if you know what I mean." (pointing at back of neck). Kara: What does he mean? Jonah: Explains
"I guess I misjudged you. you seemed like you hated everything about Khaios at first."
"You can hate a system or a government without hating the individual members, you konw. Besides, otherwise I would have to dig the shard out of some merc's neck and clean it off and everything, and I'd rather not. It's easier just to swipe a pistol.

In the end, has to use soldier's technis shard (connected to spinal column) to trigger the explosion, but he can't bring himself to kill the man/sacrifice the innocent for the destruction of the evil system. Simeon uses the shard in his own arm.

Metal has a nullifying effect on sentry shards' vision, channels technis energy (so weapons have to be made of plastic).

I'm not sure what people call it in your tongue. My people call it the bird of fire."
"Firebird, that's easy enough, though I'm pretty sure they aren't real."
"My father has feathers."

An ocean of crumbling buildings
Sea of lights as city (Russia, veins)
Sagaan, where the streets slope down to the sea, as if the town itself longed to slip to silently into the gentle waves and be forgotten
Boys always want to go to sea
whalebone carvings
Sea leaves no records, has no memory and is calm -- soul has grown to where it's even (?)

Dreams as the truest and realest things we can perceive
Diffuse into darkness
Dream as necessary, allowing us to escape and feel control in an unintelligible world (video games, Russian charms)
Give me back my dreams
Apollonian redemptive aspect to pull people away from the Dionysian explosion of sorrowful emotion

Underwater scene, using water stone to breathe.
People who can naturally climb walls
Northern wateland
World's End Cliffs

"It is an old tale"

Fear is the child of ignorance
Name worth more than virtue for some
Hard to hide the soul

People as a room, an object. Describing kitchen after parents die b/c it is them.

Poor district, trash mounts from the wind
Voice deep, honeyed
"I'm afraid to breathe in case I break the spell."
Roads spiral out like tendrils of ink in water
There was a man who lived a long time ago who said that simple truth would overcome empires.
Politics is bread and salt to the poor.

Our fears live only because we feed them
When you find something that's real, you want it to be part of your life

Cover the stars
Young men are best at dying for empty concepts

I didn't think to write these words. You weren't supposed to know that they were mine. That was my penance--your hatred.
"our heaven lost"
Secret Society plotting invasion, Jonah discovers plot, warns Jael and the council, one of the plotters is there, city fortified, walking at night and see guy who runs, night chase, dawn approaching, fire on the horizon. Thief/runner: "It's too late. The time has come." Purge. Legion pouring through the bloodied wound of the canyon. Soldiers rushing through streets from barricades. Jonah and Mara fleeing as soldiers pass by. Brief encounter with Legion. Escape. Shibboleth soldiers trapped against their own barricades, slaughtered.

Things our children will never see nor long for
Try breaking 4th wall?

Forgiveness, love, empathy, sacrifice, selflessness

They sneak into Khaios by the sewers or over the wall, unaware that the city has fallen into chaos. Maybe the city is embattled from the outside, torn asunder by inner strife?
Touch face in darkness, soft fluttering brush of fingers on cheek
Regain the paradise lost

Simeon sees his work as a way to elevate man to the height of his full stature and potential
My heart, a table of stone, upon which time writes
Machine is us

Painted mystics
The Crossing -- some sort of spiritual journey of transition

Punish as deviants to uphold social norms, collective katharsis through drugs, etc.

A map scrawled out in high heaven

The darkness compels a whisper
Kaiya searching for a tree where her father carved a heart for mother, has climbed high into teh sky as if it, too, was pulled skyward in longing

Washed in the shimmering river
Blinded by the blood in their eyes (Jael wounded on forehead)

Await the day
Kissed by the coppery sun
Orisons - prayers?

Unspent blast charges that await their secreted victims, ready to reap them amid the cackle of jaw bones all about
Writing all over skin: world like fury/vengeance/anger just barely visible along his jugular (Jael?). Otherwise hides the writing, which he wears to reminds him

People as cogs in the fiendish machinations
Shibboleth industrializing

My path is set as are these mountains fixed, as do the rails stretch on unyielding across the broad horizon -- move mountain at some point to imply that his path really isn't set, but he is obstinate
We (Mormons) used to be a people that valued the creation of beautiful things
Don't trade your life for something that's not going to change the world

Trying to paint the demons from his mind
The price of a loved one's existence is her eventual absence.

Girl went to rehab, drank her hairspray

To succeed in writing, I must climb over Shakespeare's and Milton's bodies both

Better a king in the night than a thrall in the light


In Vegas, you can be anything you want. Maybe it was that sense of possibility that inspired me to visions of grandeur.

Drugs to control personality rather than parenting, correction

Old guy looking back at his life. Parents die, have to make a positive confirmation. Smiles, laughs, crying. "It's not them," even though he knows it is. Holding onto his delusion

Young artists -- loneliness is my muse. Has everything taken from him before he can really succeed then creates masterpiece and ends on that--no implication as to its success.

Doing something you don't want to do, eyes ever looking back at Gomorrah, will tear your soul in two. Soul torn out by the eyes staring ever backward to Gomorrah.

Nietzsche would write until his eyes bled

Specialized schools
No Child Left Behind - stifle intellectual elite, grow business elite --> equalization of knowledge base

Church was never for the perfect but the broken.

The blush of blood beneath her cheeks

Third person is the hardest to write if you want to connect to a reader. But then again, in first person, you can't be as expressive as you might perhaps otherwise be. You can't just paint with your words, because you're no longer creating the words but are rather subjected unto them. Irony doesn't really work either, because you don't really have the mobility of thought that's necessary to express the ideas that are involved in creating irony. I don't think there's anything wrong with sticking to your strengths sometimes, though, especially when you're already branching out into areas unknown, doing things you've never dared to do.

They give you a couple of nuggets of coal each day, and it's by no means enough to warm you through the night, but if you group up with a couple other people and all kind of huddle around the fire, you can usually keep warm for at least a few hours.

Guy with dogs named Agamemnon and Achilles (Akitas)

Little girl snow angel, then ran through it and destroyed it
Snow canyon, as if ice giants had tromped through

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